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Lleva el ajedrez al aula

Train of Thought es un programa educativo de ajedrez que enseña liderazgo a través del juego de ajedrez. Desde 2006, nos hemos asociado con más de 100 escuelas en los EE. UU. Y hemos enseñado a más de 50,000 estudiantes de grados K-12.

Nuestros entrenadores están capacitados para enseñar a los estudiantes a tomar las habilidades que aprenden del tablero de ajedrez y aplicarlas a la vida. Nuestro plan de estudios dinámico de ajedrez complementa una variedad de estilos de aprendizaje con lecciones cautivadoras, actividades divertidas, ejercicios desafiantes, problemas y acertijos.

Unlock your students' potential with Train of Thought, the ultimate chess education program that’s both affordable and transformative. Our program is not just about learning chess; it’s about shaping young minds and building strong character, equipping students to navigate the complexities of today's world with confidence, courage, discipline, and perseverance.


Imagine a dynamic curriculum that engages every type of learner! With captivating lessons, exercises, activities, and thought-provoking challenges, our program is designed to inspire and stimulate critical thinking. Make the smart move and watch as your students excel not only in chess but also in life! Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in their future—contact Train of Thought today!

¿Por qué ajedrez?

El ajedrez es una de las herramientas más poderosas disponibles para acelerar el desarrollo cognitivo y del carácter. Los estudios demuestran que jugar al ajedrez con regularidad es especialmente bueno durante la adolescencia, mientras que el cerebro aún se está desarrollando.

Desarrollo cognitivo

  • Concentración

  • Visualización

  • Planificación

  • Cálculo

  • Reconocimiento de patrones

  • Predecir consecuencias

  • Resolución de problemas

  • Pensamiento crítico

  • Razonamiento logico

  • Razonamiento deductivo

  • Pensamiento divergente

  • Análisis retrógrado

Desarrollo de personaje

  • Confianza

  • Coraje

  • Disciplina

  • Perseverancia

  • Liderazgo

  • Integridad

  • Respeto

  • Creatividad

  • Visión

  • Humildad

  • Compasión

  • Paciencia

¿Por qué ajedrez?

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Chase Bank partners with Train of Thought

Chase Bank partners with Train of Thought

Chase Bank partnered with Train of Thought for a unique Leadership Workshop. In this groundbreaking collaboration we explore the connections between the principles of leadership and the strategic game of chess. The workshop, titled “Leadership Through Chess,” aims to shed light on the responsibility of those in power to serve and the importance of practicing empathy in leadership. Train of Thought emphasizes that true leadership is not about being “in charge” but rather about taking care of the people “in your charge”. One of the key concepts explored in the workshop is the idea that great leaders lead from the rear. By drawing parallels between the strategic thinking required in chess and effective leadership, participants gain valuable insights into how to lead from a position of empathy and compassion. By adopting this approach, leaders can foster an environment of trust, collaboration, and growth. Chase Bank’s decision to tap into Train of Thought’s unique approach highlights their commitment to developing exceptional leaders within their organization. By offering this workshop, Chase Bank demonstrates its dedication to fostering a culture of empathy, responsibility, and growth. As the world continues to evolve, the need for compassionate and empathetic leaders becomes increasingly crucial. Chase Bank’s partnership with Train of Thought demonstrates their recognition of this fact and their commitment to nurturing leaders who can make a positive impact in the lives of others.
Spectrum News

¿Por qué ajedrez?

Damen Fletcher - Business Profile Picture small.JPG

Damen Fletcher


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